First Film 603: Blondy's Lips

First Film #603: Blondy's Lips

Starring: Gina Janssen

Audio: German

Teeny Pop #3
The footage in this loop, along with the footage from First Film #610: Blondy's Cunt (I'll post that at a later date), are two halves of the same film which was released as Teeny Pop #3: Sexparty. Apart from Gina Janssen I don't recognise anyone else in the cast.

Full credit to Burp for originally posting this loop.

Profile: Ulla

Aka: Pia

Place of Birth: Sweden

Date of Birth: 1953 (?)

Porn Debut: 1970

Diverse 701: Fire & Ice

Diverse #F-701: Fire & Ice

Starring: Seka, Ken

Audio: Silent

Released: 1978

As far as I know this is the second loop Seka ever made back in early 1978. Her first was shot in Baltimore in late 1977 but remains a mystery - I don't even know what it was called! Directed by Raffaelli, this was made in her pre-Ice Queen days when Seka still had a fresh and almost innocent look about her.

SI102: The Fucking G.I.

Sex International #102: The Fucking G.I.

Starring: Carole Tong, Linda Wong, Kent Hall

Audio: Silent

Carole Tong is wrongly listed as China Leigh in the caps below

Fucking In Museum

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